Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Almost One Month 101

It has been almost a month went I last updated here. haha. Anyway..

So, the last month was quite annoying because of summer classes. I became busy and everyone in my school did. haha.

My sis had graduated already, ha. She's going to UP Diliman taking Interior Design course. She's much better than me, but I'm more adorable. :P

My blog is still under construction as you can see. I can't find any cute material from blogskins so, I just chose a template.

I need to wear glasses after this week. Gosh. I don't want to wear glasses. The doctor said, it'll add to my sex appeal and everything but, never. It makes me look like a nerd. Aw. I'm so sad. >.< JUNIOR HIGH.
I will become a junior high school student in..maybe 16-20 days. OMG.
I hope I could survive this year, because I heard #rd year is really hectic and the lessons are up to the next level. I hope I could cope up, since I am in a prestigious school in our country. :P

Oh how I miss typing. I've been in front of the computer for two hours now, and the doctor said I should lessen this. Like, WHAT? Lessen computer times? ARGH. Another disadvantage.

I don't hate glasses, it's just that, putting them on are scaryy. :< Another thing. The Monster had loosen his grip on me. Thank Gosh. And I think I'll be with him in another year. T.T PROM!
But the monster was planning to ask me to prom. >.< I want to be in ACACIA! Oh please, please! :(( My friends are there!
Lord, please help to get through this.

So, to conclude this day,

I need to wear Eye Glasses for 6th months and that includes a school year. I hate IT. And I don't to be in the same class with him anymore.

I HATE you MONSTER!!! You're scaring me! >.<
by: Little Miss LOL
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